Is Nano THC Safe?

Is Nano THC Safe?

It would be nice if we had a simple and straightforward answer to the question, “is nano THC safe?” Right now, the jury is WAY out. The truth is, nanotechnology – like so many other new and emerging technologies – is complicated. And because cannabis is...
Considerations for Growing Cannabis Outdoors

Considerations for Growing Cannabis Outdoors

As any commercial cannabis producer will tell you, there are multiple benefits to growing cannabis indoors. That’s why there are an increasing number of state-of-the-art grow houses “sprouting” up around the country. This isn’t to say there aren’t advantages to...
Anatomy of a Cannabis Plant

Anatomy of a Cannabis Plant

If you’re a cannabis connoisseur, you may be a self-proclaimed expert on strains and delivery methods. But how much do you know about the anatomy of a cannabis plant? After all, there’s a whole world within the plant that lends to your cannabis experience. And it goes...