Using CBD for Your Pet

Using CBD for Your Pet

Cannabis has proven highly effective in treating all sorts of conditions including cancer symptoms, anxiety, stress, arthritis, and seizures. Interestingly, these are all conditions to which our pets are also prone. Yet, as of now, minimal studies show that THC may...
What Makes Cannabis So Tasty?

What Makes Cannabis So Tasty?

If you’re an avid cannabis connoisseur, you know how delicious cannabis is. And we’re not just talking about edibles. But what makes cannabis so tasty? The short answer is terpenes. And this isn’t news. But the industry’s increased understanding of them is. As such,...
The Difference Between Sun Rocks And Moon Rocks

The Difference Between Sun Rocks And Moon Rocks

If you fancy yourself a cannabis aficionado, you’ve probably heard of moon rocks. Maybe you’ve even tried them and had a pretty unforgettable experience. It’s not difficult to find moon rocks on many a provisioning center’s menus these days. They’ve experienced a...
Steer Clear of THC-O

Steer Clear of THC-O

If you’ve been reading our blog (or even if you haven’t), you may have heard of the dangers of delta-8 THC. It’s best avoided. But along with the delta-8 THC, you should also steer clear of THC-O. This derivation from hemp has been making the rounds lately. And...