How Do the Effects of Moonrocks Compare to Other Cannabis Products?
Moon rocks have been a popular cannabis product since the 1990s. Capable of producing an incredibly strong high, they are suitable for experienced smokers who have a high THC tolerance. So, what is moon rock weed, and how does it compare to other cannabis products?...
What Is Banana OG Strain Good for?
Cannabis can be split up into two main groups: Sativas are energizing and anxiety-reducing, while Indicas are intensely relaxing. There are many hybrid strains available that combine these two properties. The Banana OG strain is an Indica-dominant hybrid plant that is...
How to Tell the Difference Between Indica and Sativa
You may have heard friends talking about how much they love the incredible night’s sleep they get after consuming Indica. You may have heard relatives rejoice in the mental health improvements they experienced after consuming Sativa. If you’re wondering...
What Is Moonrock Weed and How Strong Is It?
Are you tired of only feeling a little buzzed after smoking weed? Do you wish you could re-live that time you experienced an out-of-this-world high? You need weed that will take you to the moon and not bring you careening back down to earth after just an hour or two....